Barking Dog Behavior Training - Say Hello and Goodby to Your Dog

Friday, April 30, 2010
Sometimes the way we say goodbye to a dog stresses into believing that we never see again. Some experts recommend that you tell your dog when you go, just come and go as you want. If it feels very strange for you, try to tone down his farewell, the substitution of a casual goodbye and a casual greeting on arrival. If that does not help, try

without saying hello or goodbye to all, sending the message to your dog come and go is totally bland. I would try to casual greetings and first farewell dogs certainly notice when people leave, and it seems polite to say "Goodbye" and "hello" to mark the rhythms of his day.

Some people have a lot of fun for a big welcome from their dogs when they come home every day. It's wonderful to meet someone who jumps as excited every time I get home, but it is important to ensure that your dog does not use his statement as an opportunity to skip the crust, in you and behave badly in general. Do not fall into the trap of giving your dog a treat that allowed her to break the normal rules of the house: you'll only be starting something that will have to fight later.

When you're trying to teach your puppy or dog the correct behavior, it has coherence. If your puppy starts to bark, because something exciting is happening, take the time to correct it immediately. Do not scream - dogs do not understand loudly. Just say "silence" firmly (and once you've chosen your word, ("quiet", "silent", "Hush", etc) stick with it, the consistency that counts here too.) You may have to repeat "silence" several times, until your puppy gets the point. Once the dog stops barking, wait several seconds while maintaining eye contact to make sure it is done and not just a huge inspiration, then praise him and pat him and tell him how good he is.

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Barking Dog Training Tips

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Some dogs, especially breeds that have historically been used as working or hunting animals, get bored when they have nothing to do. The frustration of having nothing to do causes them to bark. And the crust. And the crust. Ideally, the dogs have room to run, but since many accompanying humans to live in the city, the person responsible pet will ensure that your canine companion has things

keep you busy. Regular walks are a must, and additional periods of play to give your dog something to look forward. Play in the dog acts like people do - exercise puts us in a better mood, relaxes muscles and joints and helps you sleep better at night around the world. One way of dealing with the boredom of the dog is to provide your dog with toys he can play while you're busy.

Ideally, you will be able to set aside a regular time to walk and play, so your dog knows that play time is right after you get home from work, and it will happen in the morning and evening. Like us, dogs like to have something to look forward, and a dog that may depend on the planned activities are likely to suffer less from anxiety and boredom.

Another way to combat boredom is by teaching your dog games they can play together. Hideaway is one, which is taught to look for someone or something you've hidden. You can start playing these games at home, so that once your dog has learned what it means to "go get it!" It means you can go out to the backyard, or forests.

Obedience training is a great way to work with your dog. Learning a skill set, together keeps both be boring and builds confidence in your relationship. Your dog learns that you mean what you say and learn about their intelligence that might not otherwise discover. Obedience training is very good for people - dog training has been used therapeutically with young people with emotional disorders, autistic children and people with developmental disabilities. There is something about working with the healing of a dog on a regular basis: stabilizes and enriches our emotions and teaches us lessons about trust and the sense that you can not get from other people.

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Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent For Dogs

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Many dogs especially small dogs will tend to bark at just about anything, some dogs will bark for territorial reasons, others will do it as a way to communicate fear, protection and show excitement. Barking is a natural and normal for all breeds of dogs, however as we are forced to live closer to each other the constant barking can be a nuisance to yourself and your neighbors.

Being able to train your dog to bark only when it is appropriate can be an essential part of good dog ownership. There are many products on the market that are very effective in this, one of the most popular products is the PetSafe Outdoor Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent.

In order to get the best results when training a dog to do anything you first need to understand why they do a particular behavior in the first place.

Why Do Dogs Bark?

Often a dog will bark for instinctual reasons, something may be wrong or to help protect the family. It can also be a way for your dog to communicate something that they need like food or to go to the bathroom and many dogs will bark around other dogs and animals as a way of interacting.

Before you can effectively eliminate the cause and remove the reason why your dog is barking you must determine what the triggers are make your dog bark. This will make the training a lot easier and a lot more effective.

Understand The Training

Many dog trainers will tell you that before you can effectively train a dog you first need to understand the training and know your dog. What this means is that you understand what the dog goes though and experiences throughout the training, this helps prevent confusing your dog and contradiction in your training.

The PetSafe Outdoor Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent or hand held devices are excellent training tools if used correctly and understand a little bit about your dogs behavior.

All training takes time and constant correction, sure training tools and device like the PetSafe outdoor Ultrasonic bark deterrent will help speed up the training time and be a great help and with the correct use and training you can teach your dog from barking in specific situations.

Your goal is not to have your dog to completely stop barking as there are many times when their bark is welcomed and could help prevent from a break in or some other catastrophic event. To ensure you get the best results train yor dog for one thing at a time and do not rush the training. By doing this you will end up with a well behaved dog.

Consider devices like the PetSafe Outdoor Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent to help train your dog how to behave appropriately. There are many bark deterrent devices on the market that can help you for a full review or all this check out Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent.

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Dog Dazer II Ultrasonic Dog Deterrent Review

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Ultrasonic dog trainer repels dogs, or silence about dog attacks when you are concerned on foot, bicycle or deliver your newspapers? Fed up with barking dogs, own or neighbor's dog? You need a Dazer II, a hand held ultrasonic dog repellent device and dog training. Used as a dog repeller, the Dazer II is a humane alternative to sprays and other methods to avoid dog bites or contact with dogs. Used as a dog training device, helps to emphasize the Dazer if you have a dog barking or activated jumped to humans, the Dazer immediately when button is pressed you want to keep. Using the latest ultrasonic technology, the Dazer II produces a uncomfortable but not harmful high frequency sound, audible to dogs but not to humans. Activated, helps the Dazer stop the approach of unwanted dogs up to 20 feet. The dog scared Dazer ultrasound outcome of the upcoming dog. The ultrasound causes most dogs to stop, you move away or stay in power.

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